A high-resolution NR-IQA database for high-quality authentic photosThe dataset comprises 6073 UHD-1 (4k) images. These were selected from the top photos on Pixabay.com based on popularity indicators, out of a total of 1.2 million photos available at the time of indexing. The dataset ensures high photo aesthetics and technical quality, and excludes synthetic images, such as purely computer generated graphics, drawings or those that are heavily edited.
Cite usThe UHD-IQA database is freely available to the research community. If you use our database in your research, please cite us:
@misc{hosu2024uhdiqa, title={UHD-IQA Benchmark Database: Pushing the Boundaries of Blind Photo Quality Assessment}, author={Vlad Hosu and Lorenzo Agnolucci and Oliver Wiedemann and Daisuke Iso}, year={2024}, eprint={2406.17472}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.17472}, } Image license
All images are available under the CC0 license. Images have been published to Pixabay.com prior to 2019. Acknowledgements The dataset has been prepared at the University of Konstanz, with funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 251654672 – TRR 161. |
The dataset supports the training and testing of models for the UHD-IQA challenge held at the ECCV AIM 2024 Workshop.
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Find out more information on the websites.
10.6 Gb @ ~ UHD-1 resolution
Meta-data and ratings (.csv)The meta-data file contains only information about the training images. The full details regarding the validation and test sets will be released as the AIM challenge progresses to the next stage. Please find out more information about this on the challenge submission website.
CSV file fields
Among the highest quality images
Lowest quality images
Even if the lowest quality images are highly aesthetic, they show degradation that is technical in nature such as blurs, loss of contrast or under-exposure. Removing the confound of aesthetics is a good reason why the database is an interesting challenge for NR-IQA.