Individually Annotated Image PatchesImage quality assessment (IQA) has been studied almost exclusively as a global image property. It is common practice for IQA databases and metrics to quantify this abstract concept with a single score per image. In an attempt to extend the notion of quality to spatially restricted sub-regions of images, we designed a novel database of individually quality-annotated image patches.
We randomly sampled 500 images from KonIQ-10k as a data source and selected 64 patches of 64x64 pixels from each source image. Each patch was annotated in two separate experiments. We conducted a lab study where we collected a single vote per patch in an controlled environment. The consideration to be made was whether the presented patch looks indicative of being sampled from a high quality image. This experiment was repeated in a crowd study with 10 votes per patch, resulting in a dataset with 32,000 patches and a total of 352,000 binary votes. |
Cite usKonPatch-30k is freely available to the research community. If you use our database in your research, please cite the following reference:
@inproceedings{wiedemann2018disregarding, title={Disregarding the Big Picture: Towards Local Image Quality Assessment}, author={Wiedemann, Oliver and Hosu, Vlad and Lin, Hanhe and Saupe, Dietmar}, year={2018}, organization={IEEE}, booktitle = {10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience(QoMEX)}, url = {} } |
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