Generic face image quality assessment databaseDespite the fact that the study of face images is an important sub-field in computer vision research, the lack of face IQA data and models limits the precision of current IQA metrics on face image processing tasks such as face super-resolution, face enhancement, and face editing. To narrow the gap, we created the largest IQA database of human faces in-the-wild called the Generic face image quality assessment 20k database (GFIQA-20k), in which 20,000 face images were rated and ensured the diversity of the individuals depicted in highly varied circumstances. We further propose a novel deep learning model to accurately predict face image quality, which, for the first time, explores the use of generative priors for IQA. |
Cite usGFIQA-20k is freely available to the research community. If you use our database in your research, you can cite it as follows:
@article{gfiqa20k, title={Going the Extra Mile in Face Image Quality Assessment: A Novel Database and Model}, author={Su, Shaolin and Lin, Hanhe and Hosu, Vlad and Wiedemann, Oliver and Sun, Jinqiu and Zhu, Yu and Liu, Hantao and Zhang, Yanning and Saupe, Dietmar}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia}, year={2023}, publisher={IEEE}} |
~7.2 GB download
The GFIQA-20K ALL contains: "images" folder: contains all images. "jpeg" folder: contains all images compressed by JPEG. "mos_var_rating.csv" file: contains subjective ratings. |
~6.0 KB download
The GFIQA-20K RAW RATINGS contains individual ratings for each subject. |